OELLERS 1+1 Zinkphosphat - 2-component epoxy primer
The 2-component epoxy primer OELLERS Heavy Duty Epoxy Resin Industry Primer is especially suitable for heavily loaded metallic substrates. Machines, railings as well as iron and steel constructions receive optimal protection against corrosion due to the zinc phosphate-containing coating. The heavy-duty paint convinces with its easy handling and fast drying. Depending on the layer thickness and the topcoat, a protection period of over 15 years (corrosion category C4) is to be expected for the coating system in industrial and coastal areas.

OELLERS Heavy Duty 2K Epoxy Resin Industry Primer is an epoxy resin combination of resin and hardener. First stir the individual components into a homogeneous mass. Then distribute them evenly with a brush, roller or airless spray on the desired surface.

Note before use
For optimum processing and adhesion of OELLERS Heavy Duty 2K Epoxy Resin Industrial Primer, the surfaces to be treated should be clean, dry and free of oil, grease and contaminants.
  • Machines of all kinds
  • Iron and steel structures
  • Tubes, oil and fuel tanks
  • Bodies, chassis
  • Shipbuilding
Application : 2-component zinc-phosphate-containing anti-corrosion primer coating
Base: Epoxy resin base
Colour range: bright, grey
Coverage : approx. 250 ml
Price per m²: approx 8,96 €
Surfaces: Machines of all types, iron, steel constructions, pipes, containers, appliances, marine industry, radiators, garden furniture, chassis and metal roofs

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Icon OELLERS nachwachsende Rohstoffe
Icon OELLERS Expertise seit 1949
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